Training at Mecofarma is an indispensable tool for the development of skills and a continuous commitment to a labour market that is increasingly demanding in terms of skilled labour.
Mecofarma business strategy promotes the development of its employees through regular training activities provided by both the Mecofarma Training Academy and external companies.
Training and awareness-raising activities are regularly carried out to promote the transparency, ethics and integrity of Mecofarma’s activity, expecting corresponding attitude/conduct from all our employees.
At the moment it is crucial for the company that training be constant and as diversified as possible, with a focus on technical training, the development of behavioral skills, leadership and management which allows employees to improve in their areas of expertise.
In 2017, Mecofarma employees received an average of 29 hours of training.
In 2018, despite the economic situation, Mecofarma intends to maintain the levels of investment in training, guaranteeing the competitiveness and development of the company.
Human Resources Director
Dra. Claúdia Vieira
Mecofarma Training Academy
In 2015, the Mecofarma Training Academy, currently recognized by the Health Sector in Angola, was formed.
The Mecofarma Training Academy promotes the development of Mecofarma employees as a determining factor for the achievement of the company’s business strategy and success.
The Mecofarma Training Academy plays a crucial role in developing skills and knowledge, encouraging career advancement and promoting employee motivation.
All Mecofarma employees are specifically trained to perform their duties, most of which include a technical component oriented, for example, towards the handling of software used in the company and a behavioral component geared towards customer service.